3. How to schedule when to send to contact(s)

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Scheduling when contact(s) will receive the emails from the sequence

This guide provides information on how the scheduling for contacts in LeadJabber works.

The sequences in LeadJabber are essentially processes/workflows consisting of pre-set stages and actions for those stages, where every stage has a set time before the contacts in that stage are moved to the next stage in the sequence (unless it is removed by replying to an email or manually).

So to send outreach campaigns to your contacts, you have to create sequence(s) for the campaign, then add the contacts to the first stage of that sequence. You can read more about how to use the Sequence Builder to make outreach campaigns here, and about adding/removing contacts to/from your sequences here.

Scheduling for contacts or lists in the Manager

When you add contact(s) or lists to the manager for sending, you will get the option to schedule when to execute the actions in the stage you are adding the contacts to. We call this the “Active from” of the contact (you can see the “Active from” and “Next stage” (when a contact is scheduled to go to the next stage, defined in the settings for the stage in the Sequence Builder) by clicking on the contact in the manager, then clicking “Details”).

When you add the contacts to a stage in the Manager, no matter if you add just one or a list, you can choose if you want to schedule time for the action(s) in the stage (this adds the contact to the stage and sets the “Active from” to the date and time you chose) or if you want to execute the action immediately by selecting “Activate instantly” (this sets the Active from to the moment you proceed to add the contact).

Scheduling when Forwarding a contact in Engager

When you work with outreach campaigns, ideally you will make several sequences based on the replies you get in the campaigns, and handle those replies in the Engager. You can read more about the Forwarding in the Engager in the “What Happens Next” section.

For example, you start with a sequence where you ask for a contact person at a company (with follow-up emails), then you have a “forwarding sequence” with follow-ups if they answer with a referral to a new contact, another if you get a reply that says that you are talking with the correct person and another if they say they want you to get back to them in three months.

To make sure you follow up the contact after those three months in the example, when you forward the contact to the sequence for following up those who wanted to be contacted later, you will get the option to schedule the time and date for the actions in the first stage in the follow-up sequence. When you forward a contact with a schedule, they will be added to the first stage in the forwarding sequence and their “Active from” will be the time specified in the schedule option.

Scheduling from the contact card

Similar to when you add contacts to a sequence from the Manager, you will get the same scheduling option when you add a contact to a sequence directly from their contact card.

Note about how long a contact is in a stage

The “Time in stage” setting for the stage in the sequence builder, is from the time the contacts “Active from” is in the sequence. For example, if time in stage is set to 7 days and you schedule a contact or list of contacts in the manager for the tomorrow, then the contact will go to the next stage 7 days after tomorrow. You can see the “Active from” and “Next stage” (when the contact will go to the next stage if it is not removed automatically or manually) by clicking an individual contact in the Manager and choosing “Details”, or you can go to the contact card and see when it is scheduled for the next stage under “Sequences”.

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