6. Så här skapar och hanterar du en kontakt

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Creating and editing contacts in LeadJabber

This guide provides information on creating and editing contacts in LeadJabber.

How to create a contact in LeadJabber

Contacts can be created and edited in several ways, and will go into depth about this here.

Creating a contact from the contacts view

To create contact manually from the contacts view, go to “Contacts & Lists” and then “All contacts”. Here you will get an overview of all the contact in your account.

To create a new contact, click the “+ New” button above the list of contacts. This will open the “New contact” creation window.

Fill out the contact information and click “Save” to create and add the contact to your CRM.

Creating a contact from the Manager

If you have contact information for a single contact outside LeadJabber and you want to add that contact to LeadJabber and directly into a Sequence, you can do this in the Manager for that sequence. 

You can read more about managing sequences here.

When you are in the sequence, click the “Add contacts” symbol for a stage, then choose “New” in the prompt window that opens to create and add a contact.

I nästa fönster som öppnas fyller du i den kontaktinformation som du har och klickar på "Spara" för att lägga till kontakten i LeadJabber.

Creating a new contact in the Engager

You can also create a new contact in the Engager. This is usually when you forward an answer where you have been referred to a new person.

When you forward the Engagement to that new contact, select the sequence you want to forward to, and the contact field will be available. Click “New…”, and you will first be propted to choose an email from the content of the reply (if found) or to add an email address manually, the first name and last name. When you click “Continue” you will go to the “New Contact” window to fill out the rest of the new contact information.

När du är klar klickar du på "Spara" så läggs din nya kontakt till och väljs som mottagare av e-postmeddelandet i vidarebefordringssekvensen.

You can read more about using the Engager in the “Vad händer härnäst?" avsnitt.

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